Keeping Facilities Clean & Healthy Since 1989

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SMO Recertified with CIMS-GB with Honors


Supreme Maintenance Organization (SMO) is proud to announce that we have successfully passed our Cleaning Industry Management Standard (CIMS) Green Building assessment. As a result, we have been awarded recertification of a “CIMS-Green Building Certification with Honors”.

The CIMS-GB Certification

CIMS awards the CIMS-GB certification to those cleaning operations that consistently demonstrate a firm commitment to delivery of environmentally friendly cleaning services. As part of the certification process, SMO underwent a comprehensive assessment by an independent, accredited, CIMS-GB assessor.

The results of the assessment established that SMO has successfully implemented CIMS-GB green cleaning principles throughout our operation and that we are well positioned to continue to deliver quality green cleaning services to our clients. This includes providing services that enable our customers to earn points under the LEED-Existing Buildings-Operations and Maintenance (LEED-EBOM) Green Building Rating System.

A Team Effort

As with any prestigious industry award, this recertification was the result of a lot of hard work and commitment. The entire SMO team is to be congratulated for this award and every one of our team members is an award recipient! Without their individual and collective contributions our CIMS GB with Honors award would not have been possible.

A sincere “thank you” to the entire SMO team!

Commitment to Green Cleaning

SMO has a proven history of providing outstanding green cleaning services. We employ the latest in green cleaning products and methodologies and work hard to ensure that we stay current with the latest advancements in green cleaning technology.

We also provide guidance to those companies looking to implement an internal green cleaning program. We can help identify the key steps for implementing a green cleaning program as well as help you separate green cleaning myths from realities.

As our CIMS GB with Honors recertification indicates, SMO is strongly committed to green cleaning both now and into the future.


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